
A delicous seasonal recipe24 Feb

spring greens 2

Spring Greens & Gammon soup

This rustic broth is deliciously meaty and worth cooking a gammon for, or using up leftover ham, serves 4.

Cooking time 2 hours (if cooking gammon)
Prep time 10 minutes


  • 450g piece gammon, soaked overnight
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 medium onions, sliced
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 large potatoes, peeled and chopped into small chunks
  • 225g spring greens, roughly chopped
  • 450g can cannellini beans, drained and washed


  1. Put the gammon in a large pan with the bay leaves, onions and about  1.5 litres of cold water or enough to cover. Bring to the boil, then  reduce the heat and simmer gently for about 1½ hrs.
  2. Drain the gammon, reserving the cooking liquid. When the gammon is cool  enough to handle, trim away the skin, and shred the meat.
  3. Return meat to the pan with the reserved cooking liquid, paprika  and potatoes. Cover and simmer for 20 mins or until the potatoes are cooked.
  4. While the potatoes are cooking, trim away the stalky bit from the greens and finely shred the leaf. Stir the greens and beans into the stock  and continue to cook for about 10 mins until cooked. Season to taste and serve ladled straight from the pan.



Delicious Autumn recipe idea21 Sep

Warm Chocolate Doughnuts with a Damson Fool

Chocolate Doughnuts

250ml Milk
450g Flour
50g Cocoa powder
7g Fresh yeast
1 Pinch of salt
50g Caster sugar
1 Egg
100g Unsalted butter

  • Warm the milk and mix in the yeast.
  • Mix all the dried ingredients together and place on a mixing machine.
  • While the machine is mixing on a low speed, add the butter in small pieces until it is fully incorporated.
  • Beat the egg and pour into the mix, then finally the milk.
  • Mix for about 10 minutes until it becomes elasticised dough.
  • Place the dough in a bowl, cling film and put in a warm place.
  • Let the dough prove for about 25 minutes until it has doubled in size.
  • Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the dough to a 1cm thickness.
  • Cut the dough with a cutter into the desired size and rest in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  • Deep fry the doughnuts at 175°C and then roll in sugar and serve.

Damson Fool

450g Damson Puree (see recipe below)
250ml Apple juice – Reduce to 100ml
3 egg yolks
20g sugar
3 Leaves gelatine
200ml whipping cream
100g Italienne meringue (see recipe below)

Damson Puree

1kg Damsons
100g Sugar
250ML Apple juice


  • Place all ingredients in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  • Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes.
  • Liquidise and pass through a fine sieve

Italienne Meringue

3 Egg whites
40ml Water
180g Caster sugar
15g Glucose syrup


  • Whisk the egg whites to a soft peak stage.
  • Boil the water, sugar and glucose until it reaches the temperature of 118ºC
  • Pour the boiling sugar mix onto the egg whites and continue whisking until it forms stiff, shiny peaks


  • Whisk together the yolks and sugar, along with the reduced apple juice
  • Place the mix in a saucepan and cook gently on the stove until the mixture coats the back of a spoon or it reaches 81 c.
  • Take off the heat and add the pre-soaked gelatine leaves and pass through a fine sieve.
  • Mix into the damson puree, the Italienne meringue (see recipe below) and whipped cream.
  • Place in the desired serving dishes and set in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  • Serve with the warm chocolate doughnuts.


Bank Holiday recipe idea02 Jun

If you are looking seeking inspiration for the bank holiday weekend, then why not try this mouthwatering recipe idea from Adam Gray

Grilled Guinea Fowl Breast with Roasted Vine Tomatoes and Crispy Ham

The Guinea Fowl breasts could alternatively be cooked on the barbecue, if you prefer a free range or organic skin – a chicken breast would also make a great alternative. Try to use British vine ripened tomatoes when they are at their best in during the months of June and July.

4 x Guinea fowl breasts
400g English cherry vine tomatoes
4 Slices Cumbria air-dried ham
100 Ml Farrington’s Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil
2 Bulbs of fennel
1 Lime
White pepper


  • Place the cherry vine tomatoes on a sheet of foil and season with the salt and pepper. Drizzle the rapeseed oil over the tomatoes and wrap the foil up into a sealed parcel ensuring there are no holes.
  • Place the foil parcel into a pre heated oven at 180 c for 12 – 15 minutes, until the tomatoes are just tender, then remove from the oven and leave in the foil parcel.
  • Place a griddle pan on the stove and heat to a medium heat.
  • Season the guinea fowl breasts with salt and pepper and rub a little of the remaining rapeseed oil on to the breasts.
  • Place the guinea fowl breasts skin side down onto the heated griddle pan and cook gently, turning over to get an even cooking.
  • Finely slice the fennel with a sharp knife or on a mandolin into a bowl.
  • Grate the zest of the lime onto the sliced fennel and mix with a little of the lime juice and some rapeseed oil.
  • Once the guinea fowl breasts are cooked, remove them from the griddle pan and place them on a tray to rest.
  • Heat a non stick frying pan to a medium heat and fry the air dried ham with no oil until crispy.

To Serve:

  • Put a pile of the fennel salad in the centre of the serving bowl and place the guinea fowl breast on top.
  • Place the roasted tomatoes to one side of the guinea fowl breast and pour over some of the tomato cooking juices.
  • Place a piece of crispy ham on top.



Richard Curtis recipes from Holdenby02 Sep

Pan fried
Grey Mullet with a saffron broth


1 x 140-170g Grey Mullet Fillet
1 Baking Potato
1 Shallot
Olive Oil
3 Tiger Prawns
1 Garlic Clove
150ml Dry White Wine
300ml of Chicken or Vegetable Stock
Pinch of Saffron
150g Baby Spinach
2 Scallops
30g Butter


1.Peel a baking potato, cut into a small dice, cook
in boiling salted water until tender, drain and set to one side.

2. To make the broth, sauté a finely diced shallot in
a drizzle of oil for 1-2 minutes, add a pinch of crushed garlic and season. Add
150ml of dry white wine and reduce by half, add 300ml of

3. Add the chicken or fish stock and reduce by half
again. Remove from the heat, add a pinch of saffron and check seasoning.

4. Cut the Mullet Fillet into two pieces, cut two or
three slashes into the skin, drizzle with oil and season well. Place the pieces
in a hot pan skin side down for 2-3 minutes to crisp and colour; transfer the
pan to a hot oven for a further 3 minutes to finish cooking.

5.Wilt 150g of baby spinach leaves in a pan with a
knob of butter, season to taste.
6. Over a gentle heat, slowly swirl 30g of diced
butter into the broth to thicken slightly and give a glossy sheen, finish with
chopped chervil.

7. To serve, arrange the diced potato and wilted
spinach towards the centre of a clean pasta bowl. Spoon over the broth, sit the
pieces of Grey Mullet on top of the spinach and finish with more finely chopped
chervil. To further enhance the broth, add 3-4 pan fried Tiger Prawns.

Baked Gurnard on a bed of roasted vegetables

Gurnard is a white firm bodied fish that can take strong


1 x 500g   Gurnard filleted and boned
Smoked paprika
2  Tomatoes skinned diced
1   Shallot
1   Small Courgette
1   Clove garlic
1   Small aubergine
1   Red pepper diced
3   Baby new potatoes blanched
Fresh thyme parsley
Farington balsamic dressing

  1. Check the Gurnard fillets for bones
  2. Season with salt and paprika, roll the fillets
    in a little of the Farington Balsamic dressing and seal quickly in a little
    oil, remove the fish from the pan and leave to one side
  3. In the same pan sauté the shallots, add the
    courgettes and aubergine.
  4. Put all the other ingredients in the pan season,
    place the gurnard on top and finish in the oven at 180c and cook ten minutes.
  5. Place the vegetables on the bottom of the plate,
    arrange the fillets of gurnard on top and garnish by drizzling some of the
    Farrington Balsamic Dressing.

Queen of puddings

For the pudding
• 225ml/8fl oz milk
• 225ml/8fl oz double cream
• 1 vanilla pod, split
• 100g/3½oz caster sugar
• 5 free-range egg yolks
• 140g/5oz fresh breadcrumbs
• 2 lemons, zest only
• 200g/7oz raspberry jam

For the meringue topping

• 4 free-range egg whites
• 110g/4oz caster sugar
• 1 tbsp icing sugar, for dusting

Preparation method

1. Preheat the oven to 160C/310F/Gas 2.
2. For the pudding, pour the milk and cream into a pan and add the split vanilla pod. Bring slowly to the boil over a medium heat.
3. Place the sugar into a large bowl with the egg yolks and whisk until the mixture is light and creamy.
4. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the hot milk and cream, whisking all the time, then add the breadcrumbs and lemon zest.
5. Half-fill a roasting tin with boiling water to make a bain-marie. Pour the pudding mixture into individual ramekins and place them into the bain-marie.
6. Place the bain-marie in the centre of the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the puddings are almost set but still slightly wobbly in the centre.
7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
8. Increase the oven temperature to 190C/375F/Gas 5.
9. For the meringue topping, place the egg whites into a large clean bowl and whisk until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed. Gradually whisk in the caster sugar, a tablespoonful at a time.
10. Place the jam into a small pan over a low heat and gently melt. Spread the jam over the top of the puddings, then cover the puddings completely with the meringue mixture.
11. Sprinkle with the icing sugar and bake for 8-10 minutes, or until the top is crisp and lightly browned.
12. To serve, remove from the oven and serve immediately




Wood Pigeon recipe31 Aug

Grilled Northamptonshire Wood Pigeon and Kohlrabi Salad

Ingredients (serves 4)

4 Wood pigeon
3 Medium kohlrabi
1 Teaspoon English mustard
6 Tablespoons of Farrington’s mayonnaise
Ground white pepper

Selection of mixed salad leaves (rocket, curly endive, and baby red chard)

4 sprigs of fresh thyme
200ml Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil
200ml Veal or brown chicken stock
¼ Chives (finely cut)

To Grill the Wood Pigeon:
• Preheat the oven to 180°C and place a tray in oven to preheat
• Remove the breasts from the wood pigeon, leaving the skin on.
• Chop the excess carcase bones from the wood pigeon and place the bones on a tray and place in a pre heated oven.
• Roast the bones until golden brown and then place the bones into a colander to remove any excess fat/oil.
• Place the drained wood pigeon bones and fresh thyme into a saucepan and cover with the chicken or veal stock. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 20 minutes.
• Season the wood pigeon breasts with salt and pepper and place them skin side down on to a pre-heated griddle pan.
• Grill for 4 – 5minutes on each side, and then remove from griddle pan to rest for 3-4 minutes on a tray with kitchen paper.

To Make the Kohlrabi Salad:
• Peel the kohlrabi and then slice finely on a sharp mandolin.
• Cut the sliced kohlrabi into thin strips.
• Mix the mustard and the Farrington’s mayonnaise together.
• Add the mayonnaise and mustard mixture gradually to the shredded kohlrabi, ensuring that final mix is not too wet.
• Add the chopped chives to the mixture.
• DO NOT season the kohlrabi mix until immediately before serving as it will break down and become too mushy.

To Make the Wood Pigeon Dressing
• Drain the wood pigeon stock through a fine sieve and keep warm.
• Place the wood pigeon stock into a suitable container and then gradually incorporate the remaining Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil into the stock either by using a whisk or an electric hand blender.
• Season to taste with salt and pepper.




Recipes from Holdenby30 Aug

Thanks to everyone who attend our demos at the Holdenby Foodshow over the weekend. Many of you requested copies of the recipes demonstrated – so here are the first batch.


Poached Organic Salmon with Minted English Peas and Girolle Mushrooms

Serves Four

4 x 150g Organic Salmon Fillets (skin on)
1 Packet of Pea Shoots (picked and washed)
200g Girolle mushrooms (stalks scraped, washed and drained)
400g Fresh English Peas (podded)
150g Unsalted Butter (room temperature)
4 Leaves of fresh mint
2g Curly parsley (finely chopped)
Ground White Pepper
100ml Mellow Yellow Rapeseed Oil

1.Vac-pac the salmon fillets with a little Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil and a piece of zest of lemon. Or alternatively if the salmon is being pan fried place the salmon fillet into seasoned flour skin side down and shake off any excess flour. Take half of the butter and with a pastry brush, brush a thin layer on the floured skin side. Put aside in a thick bottomed sauce pan add 500ml of water and 100g of butter, bring to the boil.

2.Half fill a medium sized saucepan with water and heat to 65c. Keep on a low heat to maintain a constant temperature, checking with a thermometer.
3. Place the vac-pac salmon pieces into the 65c water and cook for 10 minutes with a timer. If pan frying the salmon, heat a non-stick frying pan to a medium heat and add the rapeseed oil.
4.Season the salmon fillets on the flesh side with the salt and ground white pepper.
5.Place the salmon fillets skin side down into the pan and press gently with a fish spatula or the back of your hand to keep the salmon flat.
6. While the salmon is cooking, add the peas to the water and butter mix and simmer gently for 3-4 minutes until the peas are tender.
7.If pan frying the salmon, cook it on the skin side for approx 5 minutes and then turn it over onto the flesh side and continue cooking for a further 4-5 minutes on a medium to low heat.
8. Drain the peas from the water and butter mix, but keep the cooking liquor. Place the hot peas into a food processor.
9. Roughly chop the fresh mint leaves and add them to the hot peas.
10. Pulse the food processor until the peas are crushed and add a little of the drained cooking liquor to keep the crushed peas moist. Remove the crushed peas from the food processor and put aside and keep warm.
11.Heat a non-stick frying pan to a high heat and add a little Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil, then add the girolle mushrooms and pan fry for 2-3 minutes.
12. As the mushrooms are just finishing cooking add the finely chopped curly parsley and mix thoroughly. Remove the mushrooms from the frying pan and drain on to some kitchen paper.
13. As the pan fried salmon is finishing cooking add the remaining butter and turn the heat up slightly so the butter stars to foam and spoon this over the salmon. Remove the salmon from the pan and place on some kitchen paper to remove any excess oil.
14.Remove the vac-pac salmon from the water and cut open the bags. Remove the cooked salmon and place on some kitchen paper to also remove any excess juices.

To Serve:
Place a spoon of the crushed peas and mint in the middle of the serving bowl and place the organic salmon fillet (poached or pan fried) on top. Spoon the pan fried girolle mushrooms around the salmon, garnish with the pea shoots. Then drizzle a little of the remaining Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil over the salmon and mushrooms.

Scotch Eggs


• 4 large free-range eggs
• 275g Cumberland sausage meat
• salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 125g/4oz plain flour, seasoned with salt
• 1 free-range egg, beaten
• 125g panko breadcrumbs
• vegetable oil, for deep frying

Preparation method
1. Place the eggs, in to boiling water for exactly 6 minutes.
2. Remove the eggs and place into iced water immediately.
3. Drain the cooled eggs after about 5 minutes.
4. Then carefully peel the eggs.
5. Divide the sausage meat mixture into four and flatten each out on the palm of your hand.
6. Place the egg into the centre of the flattened sausage meat and carefully wrap the meat around the egg. Ensuring it covers all the egg and is well sealed.
7. Dip each sausage meat-coated egg in the seasoned flour, rolling to coat completely, then dip and roll into the beaten egg and then into the breadcrumbs do this twice so that you get a nice coating on the egg.
8. Heat the deep fat fryer to 170c.
9. Carefully place each scotch egg into the hot oil and deep-fry for 6-8 minutes, until golden and crisp and the sausage meat is completely cooked.
10. Carefully remove from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain onto a cloth.

Farrington’s Parsley and Caper Mayonnaise
• Farrington Garlic mayonnaise
• Lilliput capers
• 4 medium banana shallots
• 1 bunch fresh parsley

Preparation Method
1. Finely dice the banana shallots & run under cold water for a few minutes to remove any harshness in taste.
2. Chop the bunch of parsley finely.
3. Roughly chop the capers.
4. Add all the ingredients into the garlic mayonnaise mix and season.





Turkey leftovers?26 Dec

Great recipe idea from Adam Gray – perfect for Boxing Day

Hot Turkey and Caramelised Onion Tart with Melting Stilton Cheese

Ingredients: (Serves 4)
4 x 9”/22 cm Pre-cooked puff pastry discs
400g Caramelised onions
200g Stilton cheese
100ml Farrington’s mellow yellow rapeseed oil
200g cooked turkey meat (flaked)
½ Bunch rocket salad leaves (picked and washed)
Salt & pepper

1. Spread the caramelised onions evenly over the pre-cooked puff pastry discs, leaving a 5mm gap from the edge of the pastry
2. Place the flaked cooked turkey evenly on top of the caramelised onions
3. Crumble the Stilton cheese, then sprinkle evenly on top of the turkey
4. Place in a pre-heated oven at 180° C for 10-12 minutes until the Stilton cheese has melted
5. Remove from the oven and scatter the rocket leaves over the top of the tart
6. Drizzle the rapeseed oil liberally over the tart and serve


Chicken with banana anyone?02 Sep

The Funky Chicken

For those of you that attended Holdenby over the weekend you would have seen a fantastic demo from Portfolio Events Head Chef, Martin Brown. Martin cooked up an unusual combination of chicken and banana,  A bemused audience tasted the dish and loved it. Many of you requested a copy of the recipe – so here you go.

Recipe to feed 4


4 x Chicken supremes
2 x Bananas
1 x 500g bag of Baby Spinach (wash before use)
3 x Large Baking potatoes
1 x glove of garlic
1 x carton of Orange Juice
1 x shot of Cointreau
1 x Chicken stock cube (we use chicken stock but a cube will work as well)
Cornflower, olive oil
Salt and Pepper

For the chicken

Remove the skin and the fillet from the supreme (retain the fillet), butterfly the remaining breast creating a pocket, cut the banana to size, season and roll in spinach leaves, then slide into the pocket in the chicken. Spread the reserved fillet out and fit over the top of the banana pocket sealing it in. Enclose the breast in cling film to create a barrel. Place it into boiling water for 15 – 20 minutes until cooked.

For the potatoes

Peel potatoes and finely dice, peel garlic and finely chop, place on a baking tray, season and drizzle with oil, and cook for 20 mins at 190 until golden brown

For the sauce

Make stock up and reduce by a 1/3, add 4 fl oz of Orange Juice then the shot of Cointreau, reduce by half, season and thicken if necessary

For the spinach

Saute the remaining Spinach in Olive oil and season, this will need straining as spinach releases lots of water

Alternatively you can take  the strain out of cooking and let Portfolio Events do it for you! They cater for dinner parties of 4 through to buffets for thousands. They can be contacted on  (01604) 686 726, or visit their website for more details

Recipes from Holdenby foodshow01 Sep

As promised the recipes demonstrated by Richard Curtis at the weekend 

Honey Roasted Northamptonshire Rabbit with a Hazelnut stuffing cider and apple jelly sauce 

Serves 2
1 Rabbit
1 Egg white
75ml Cold double cream
25g Roasted hazelnuts crushed
2 Slices palma ham
25g Maldon Salt
1 Clove garlic finely chopped
Sprig of thyme
100g Diced carrot onion and celery
125ml Game stock
20g Apple jelly
2 Lemons zest only
100ml Cider
1 Tin duck fat 

1. Remove the legs and trim belly flaps from the Rabbit
2. With one of the legs rub all over with the salt, lemon rind, garlic and thyme leave in the fridge over night.
3. Wash off the salt mixture and dry well, cover the leg with the Duck fat, cook in a cool oven 100c for two hours. Leave to cool in the fat.
4. Bone out the Saddle carefully leaving the two loins attached. Keep cold in the fridge.
5. Bone the raw legs of rabbit; mince the meat with a fine mincer blade. Place the boned leg meat into a food processor, blend the meat, add the egg white and slowly add the cream, blend in the hazelnuts and season with salt and cayenne pepper. Place in the fridge.
6. On a piece of cling film place the Palma ham, put the boned saddle on top, skin side down, season, pipe the hazelnut stuffing down the centre.
7. Fold the cling film over and form a sausage, twisting the ends.
8. In a frying pan fry the saddle to colour the saddle, place the saddle on the diced vegetables add the confit leg of rabbit. Cook for 20 minutes.
9. Remove the meat from the pan and pour of any fat, deglaze the pan with the cider and then the game stock.
10. Reduce the stock and add the apple jelly and reduce to a sauce.
11. Calve the saddle and mould the confit serve with seasonal vegetable. 

Warm Pigeon and beetroot salad with bramble dressing 

Serves two 

Autumn is the time for pigeon although they are available all year round 

4 Pigeon breasts
100g Fresh blackberries
100g Beetroot that has been cooked in boiling water
50g Red onion sliced
20ml Port
25g Oil
Salad leaves
Farringtons blackberry dressing 


1. Wash the leaves and drain well.
2. Slice the onion and slice the beetroot in rounds
3. Heat the oil in a pan cook the onion on a low heat until soft
4. Add the beetroot and increase the heat sauté then season, put to one side.
5. Put the pan back on the stove, heat the pan and add the oil, season the breasts with salt and pepper.
6. Sear the breasts until caramelised on both sides leave to rest.
7. Heat the pan and deglaze with the port, add the dressing and reduce, toss in the blackberries.
8. Mix the leaves and beetroot together, slice the pigeon and put on top, coat with the sauce and berries.






Caribbean flavours-recipes from Taste of Summer27 Jul

Jerk salmon recipe

4 Salmon fillets
50g Onion
½ Red Chillies
20g Fresh ginger
¼ tsp Ground allspice –
5g Fresh thyme leaves
5tsp Fresh ground pepper
20ml White wine vinegar
20ml Dark soya sauce
Finely chop or grate the ginger
Put all the ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth
Remove the skin from the salmon fillets. Place salmon into a dish
Pour over the marinade and leave in the dish for 20 Minutes
Barbecue or cook in a griddle pan for fifteen or twenty minutes, basting with the marinade while cooking.
Ceviche of  seabass – two portions
This fish dish has wonderful flavours and the fish marinades and the flesh cooks in the marinade
1 Medium sea Bass
5g Fresh Coriander
2 Limes juiced
1 Shallot finely chopped
Fillet the sea bass, then as thinly as possible slice the flesh; a long, thin sharp knife will make this easier.
Lay the strips over a large platter. Mix together the lime juice, shallot and chilli, season.
Pour over the fish, cover and leave to marinate for an hour in the fridge, the acid in the lime juice will ‘cook’ the fish
Just before serving, scatter with coriander.
Beans and Rice  – 4 portions
250g tin or 125g dried Black-eyed beans
Sprig of thyme
1 litre Boiling water
Can coconut cream
500g long grain easy cook rice
Put the beans and thyme into a sauce pan (never salt pulse vegetables as it hardens the Protein layer) and boil vigorously until cooked (you could use tinned beans if necessary)
Put the rice into boiling salted water until cooked
Combine the rice and beans, add coconut cream to taste.


Thanks to Richard for providing us with some Caribbean sunshine and flavours!
Fish supplied by Steve at Other ingredients supplied by Daily Bread



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